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International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
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International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC) is open access and peer-reviewed journal with e-ISSN (2715-8780), IJSOC is an international journal devoted to the study of science and technology in a social context. It focuses on the way in which advances in science and technology influence society and vice versa. It is a peer-reviewed journal that takes an interdisciplinary perspective, encouraging analyses whose approaches are drawn from a variety of disciplines such as History, Sociology, Economics, Political Science and International Relations, Technology Management, Environmental Studies, Health Science, etc. The journal publishes original full-length research papers in all areas related to Science, Technology, and Society. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to that. The journal consciously endeavors to combine scholarly perspectives relevant to academic research and policy issues relating to development. Besides research articles, the journal encourages research-based country reports, commentaries, literature reviews, and book reviews.
Articles 37 Documents
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Community Participation in the Implementation of Simultaneous Regional Head Elections during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic in Banten Province Dairul; Bahrullah Akbar; Aries Djaenuri; Sampara Lukman
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.492 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.347


In terms of community involvement, the conduct of regional head elections embodies the representational function inherent in popular sovereignty. The role of representation is one of the government's functions. As a result, the selection represents the aim of Government Science. The purpose of this research is to assess "Community Participation in the Conduct of Simultaneous Regional Head Elections during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period" in Banten Province (Case Study: Serang Regency, Pandeglang Regency, Cilegon City, and Tangerang City) in 2020. This study employs a qualitative research design in conjunction with a descriptive research method. The analysis used in this study is political participation from The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. A conceptual definition is developed that Community Participation in Simultaneous Regional Head Elections is the active participation of voters in various voter participation levels in the 2015 simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). 2020 in Banten Province, voter turnout will exceed 60% in the four regencies/cities hosting simultaneous regional elections on December 9 2020. Pandeglang Regency achieved 68.7 per cent in 2020, up from 56 per cent in 2015, Cilegon City achieved 79.79 per cent in 2020, exceeding the national target by as much as 63.51 per cent in 2015, Serang Regency earned 63.3 per cent in 2020, up from 50.8 per cent in 2015 Pilkada. South Tangerang City achieved 60.4 per cent in 2020. In 2015, voting turnout was 57 per cent, a considerable rise despite the current epidemic of Covid-19.
The Influence of Learning Methods and Student Personality Types in Islamic Religion Lessons Adri Lundeto
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.362 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.348


The learning educates pupils that the key predictors of academic success are educational concepts and learning theories. Learning is a double process of communication: the teacher as an educator teaches while students teach. This is a qualitative type of research. Qualitative research is an investigation process which produces descriptive data of people and observed conduct in written or spoken terms. An interdisciplinary strategy is applied in this study, integrating management, pedagogy, sociology and psychology techniques. Two types of data sources are used in this study: Primary data. Primary information. Primary data are collected in field research from informants who, in this case, are professors of Islamic Religious Education directly. Research and analytical results show that: 1) there have been difference between students who follow the co-operative method of learning and students who follow the conventional method of learning; 2) there has been no difference between students with introverted personality type and students with extraverted personality.
A Independência Real das Agências Reguladoras no Brasil Paulo Soares Sampaio
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.228 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.349


O artigo busca analisar a independência formal e a independência real das agências reguladoras no Brasil, nos diversos aspectos que a estruturam. Metodologia/abordagem/design – A análise apoia-se nas perspectivas histórica, doutrinária e institucional de direito comparado para a construção dos conceitos de regulação e agências reguladoras, abordando as questões da legitimidade e controle desses entes em um Estado Democrático de Direito. O estudo conclui que o transplante das estruturas legais que dão suporte à independência das agências reguladoras tem baixa eficácia frente às culturas normativa e política pré-existentes, o que poderá levar à redução de sua independência real. se que este artigo possa apoiar o trabalho de pesquisadores interessados nas relações das teorias da regulação com o histórico das agências reguladoras no Brasil. O artigo sintetiza conceitos relativos à regulação e às agências reguladoras, e sua evolução nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, com foco nas questões de sua independência formal e real. As recentes propostas de modificações normativas e o dilema que se estabelece entre a independência das agências reguladoras e a agenda do Governo Federal são também apresentados.
Analysis of the Effect of Asset Allocation on Portfolio Performance with Diversification as an Intervening Variable Dipa Teruna Awaludin; Hasanudin; Faysal Deni Rahman
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.254 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.350


This study aims to analyze the effect of asset allocation on portfolio performance with diversification as an intervening variable in the Pension Fund, a non-bank financial institution that manages the pension program and is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in the 2016-2019 period. A total of 34 Pension Funds were sampled so that the total sample was 136 in the 2016-2019 period. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that Selection Ability and Fund Size had a significant effect on Diversification, while Timing Ability had a significant effect on Portfolio Performance. Intervening test using Sobel Test shows that Diversification has not been able to mediate Asset Allocation on Portfolio Performance.
O reconhecimento da autoridade ancilar da FCC pela Suprema Corte norte-americana: convergência com a aplicação da teoria dos poderes implícitos no direito brasileiro Rogerio Assis Carmo
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.022 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.351


Este informe compara os institutos da autoridade ancilar e dos poderes implícitos no desenvolvimento de teoria sobre competências administrativas das agências reguladoras brasileiras. Descreveu-se o delineamento da competência ancilar da FCC a partir de julgados da Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos e da Corte de Apelações do Distrito de Colúmbia. Apresentaram-se lições doutrinárias e manifestações de Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro sobre o reconhecimento de poderes implícitos ao necessário cumprimento de deveres legais. Resultados – Demonstrou-se a confluência dessas duas vertentes teóricas para o reconhecimento de competências não diretamente expressas das agências reguladoras. O trabalho contribui para o reconhecimento de competências da agência reguladora das telecomunicações brasileira que, embora não estejam dispostas expressamente, emergem como uma imperiosidade para o cumprimento de responsabilidades diretamente dadas por lei àquela autarquia. O artigo apresenta instituto jurídico corrente na tradição norte-americana cuja aplicação à área de telecomunicações brasileira ainda não está sedimentada, não obstante a sua compatibilidade com conceitos já aceitos no direito pátrio.
Implementation of Islamic Religious Education in Building Religious Values for Elementary School Students IT Al Istiqomah Puri Kosambi Karawang Irwanto Firmansyah; Amirudin; Achmad Junaedi Sitika
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.855 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.352


To form human beings who are religious and have religious values ​​in themselves, directed education is needed. An educational institution should introduce and instill monotheism or faith to students as the initial foundation before students get to know many other disciplines. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the process of implementing Islamic religious education in building religious values ​​for students at SD IT Al Istiqamah Puri Kosambi Karawang. This research is field research using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Islamic religious education in building religious values ​​in the SD IT Al Istiqamah Puri Kosambi environment is carried out well and effectively by applying it in daily activities such as getting used to saying greetings, shaking hands, polite in speaking, polite in attitude, and mutual respect both with teachers and fellow friends. In addition, intra-curricular learning activities are also carried out centered on students and maximized on aspects of conceptual and illustration material and contextual examples.
The Effect of Inflation, Exchange Rate, BI Rate and Dow Jones Index to Indonesia Composite Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange on the Year 2013-2018 Hasanudin
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.412 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.353


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the influence of inflation, currency exchange rates, SBI interest rates, and the Dow Jones index on the Jakarta Composite Index on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2018. Methods of quantitative research utilizing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analytic techniques in conjunction with the use of SmartPLS 3. The findings of this study indicate that inflation has a substantial negative influence on the CSPI. This indicates that as inflation increases, the JCI decreases. The exchange rate has a substantial negative effect on the JCI. This demonstrates that the exchange rate variable has a direct effect on the direction of the high exchange rate, lowering the JCI in the process. The SBI interest rate has no effect on the JCI and is rather detrimental to it. This indicates that when the number of SBI interest rates increases, the CSPI remains same. The Dow Jones index has a sizable positive correlation with the CSPI. This indicates that the Dow Jones index's rise has an effect on the JCI. By a factor of 0.982, the Dow Jones Index has the greatest effect on work motivation, followed by inflation, exchange rates, and SBI interest rates on the IHSG on the 2013-2018 Stock Exchange.
Optimal Portfolio of Liquid 45 Stocks: Single Index Model Approach Abd Muhni Salam; Augustina Kurniasih
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (747.596 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.354


The purpose of this study is to analyze the return, risk, and optimal portfolio performance of LQ45 stocks formed by a single index model in the period August 2017-January 2020. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used is documentation study. Based on the results of the calculation, it is found that out of 33 stocks that met the sample criteria, 3 stocks were selected to compile the optimal portfolio, namely BRPT, ICBP, and BBCA stocks. The stock had expected returns of 5.50%, 1.34%, and 2.02%, respectively, whit a risk of 12.87%, 4.75%, and 4.08%, respectively. The optimal portfolio formed has expected return of 2.60% and risk of 4.05%. After measuring performance with the Sharpe, Treynor, & Jensen approach, it is found that the performance of the portfolios that is formed is better than market performance.
Telecomunicações Aeronáuticas: natureza jurídica, regime regulatório e formas de delegação Fernando Barbelli Feitosa
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.113 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.355


Este artigo tem por finalidade analisar a natureza jurídica das telecomunicações aeronáuticas e o poder-dever da União em promover sua delegação. Segue-se o método de abordagem descritivo e lógico-indutivo, inquirindo a estruturação serviço no ordenamento pátrio e verificando sua conformação pragmática, para que se possa sugerir um modelo de delegação pertinente. Verifica-se que as telecomunicações aeronáuticas compõem tema muito pouco estudado no âmbito das ciências jurídicas. Enquanto serviço sob a tutela da União, integra elemento da navegação aérea, com intrínseca ligação à segurança aeroportuária, mas com elementos característicos de serviço de telecomunicação (art. 21, XI c/c XII, c da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil). Considerando o comando legal que permite sua prestação por agentes públicos ou entes privados especializados (art. 47 c/c 48 e parágrafo único do Código Brasileiro de Aeronáutica), tal serviço deveria acompanhar a tendência de despublicização de aeroportos públicos, para ser objeto de delegação autônoma em vasta escala, com a devida definição da correta modalidade (concessão ou autorização). Finalmente, espera-se incentivar incursões jurídicas que explorem de maneira mais aprofundada o tema, além de sugerir uma política pública voltada para a privatização das Telecomunicações Aeronáuticas.
Company Bankruptcy Prediction Coal Mining Sector Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Its Impact on Stock Prices Erik Priambodo; Augustina Kurniasih
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 3 No 3 (2021): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (920.674 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v3i3.356


This study aims to prove whether coal mining sector companies have the potential to go bankrupt if measured using the Altman Z-Score model. The study also analyzed the effect of the components of financial ratios in the Altman Z-Score model on stock prices. The research sample is 17 coal mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2019 period. The results of the calculation of the Z-Score value show that several coal mining companies have the potential to go bankrupt. Using the panel data regression approach, it was found that the Z-Score value had a significant effect on stock prices. Partially, the EB/TA ratio has a significant effect on stock prices. The ratios of WC/TA, RE/TA, and MVE/BVL have no significant effect on stock prices.

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